Annual Reports

Annual Report 2020

The Corona pandemic, businesses and human rights – and stagnation in the establishment of an NHRI

Published on 20.04.2021

Likely no seamless transition from SCHR to a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)

At the end of 2022 the SCHR will close its doors. By then, the establishment of an independent National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) was planned in Switzerland. But this start date now seems increasingly unlikely: the Corona crisis and political concerns are causing longer delays. The SCHR takes a look at the current debate surrounding the NHRI and its – often misunderstood – task of "monitoring".

→ Read more (German) (French) (Italian)

The Corona Pandemic: A challenge for Swiss democracy

2020 was a year defined by the Corona crisis. This posed major challenges for the Swiss constitutional system and government authorities. Vulnerable groups in society were hit particularly hard. In this interview, Eva Maria Belser, Head of Institutional Issues at the SCHR, analyses the conflict between measures to combat the pandemic and the protection of fundamental and human rights. The SCHR also examines how the crisis affects the rights of migrant workers.

→ Read more on the Corona pandemic (German) (French) (Italian)

Businesses and Human Rights: Developments in the last decade

Since its formation in 2011, the SCHR has been concerned with corporate responsibility in the area of human rights. In the same year, the UN adopted its "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". Since then, an astonishing change has taken place both internationally and nationally. The annual report looks back at the developments of the last decade and the contributions of the SCHR.

→ Read more on businesses and human rights (German) (French) (Italian)

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